We understand the challenge of dealing with heightened anxiety, especially when compounded by constant external pressures. However, we also know that individuals can manage their worries and anxieties even during the most difficult times. Here are 5 simple morning rituals to gradually reduce anxiety levels and recharge:
- Mindful Awakening: Upon waking up, measure your pulse, mentally scan your body for tension spots, and relax those areas. Take 10 deep breaths, envisioning yourself breathing through your entire body. Only then, reach for your phone or get out of bed.
- Morning Thoughts: Jot down 5-10 random words or thoughts that occupy your mind immediately after waking up. This practice unloads your mind and clears unnecessary distractions.
- Rubbing Technique: After your morning shower, vigorously rub your body with your palms until warmth (or even heat) spreads. If rubbing doesn't suit you, try tapping: first from bottom to top, then from top to bottom across your entire body. This ritual helps reconnect anxious individuals with their bodies, providing a sense of stability.
- Daily Plan: Our anxious minds thrive on planning. Instead of scrolling through social media first thing, spend 5 minutes outlining key intentions for the day, ensuring self-care and joy are included.
- Mood Color: Choose a mood color each morning (avoiding gray, brown, or black). For instance, if you choose yellow, associate it with joy, warmth, kindness, etc. Throughout the day, remind yourself of your chosen mood color and monitor its brightness. If you notice it fading, quickly seek out yellow objects to restore your mood.