The tapping technique, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a psychological technique that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology. It involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular issue, emotion, or belief.

Here's how it works:
Identify the Issue: Think about a specific issue, emotion, or physical sensation you want to address. It could be anxiety, stress, a negative belief, or a physical discomfort.
Rate the Intensity: On a scale from 0 to 10, rate the intensity of the issue. This will help you track your progress.
Create a Setup Phrase: Formulate a statement that acknowledges the problem while affirming self-acceptance. For example, "Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Tap the Karate Chop Point: Use your fingertips to tap gently on the side of your hand's palm (the "karate chop point") while repeating the setup phrase three times.
Tap on Specific Points: Using two or three fingers, tap gently on each of the following points about 5-7 times while focusing on the issue:
  • Top of the head
  • Beginning of the eyebrow
  • Side of the eye
  • Under the eye
  • Under the nose
  • Chin
  • Collarbone
  • Under the arm
  • Inside of the wrist
Repeat Reminder Phrase: After completing a round of tapping, repeat a brief reminder phrase (e.g., "This anxiety") while tapping on each point.
Check the Intensity: After a few rounds, reassess the intensity of the issue. If it's decreased, continue tapping until it reaches a comfortable level (ideally, 0 or 1).
Positive Affirmations: Finish with positive affirmations to reinforce the desired state (e.g., "I feel calm and at ease").
Closing Sequence: Take a deep breath, release any tension, and end the session with a sense of relaxation and self-compassion.

You can repeat this process as needed, focusing on different issues or aspects of the same issue. It's important to practice tapping regularly and be patient with yourself as you explore this technique. Remember, everyone's experience with tapping is unique, so feel free to adapt it to suit your preferences and needs.
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